Monday 28 April 2008

Guardian, Monday 28th April 2008

Cor blimey, strike a light, for the first time since records began (although that was only the week before last, admittedly), there are more letters from women in today's Guardian than from men.

Feast your eyes on this rarity:

And what is it that's prompted the ladies to write to the Guardian in such numbers? Well, the ongoing argument about whether it's wrong that more money gets donated to donkey sanctuaries than to domestic violence charities, for one. But also the 10p tax band fiasco, which - unsurprisingly - seems to be riling up men and women equally, and funding for education, which may or may not be a 'women's issue'.

Good show, and I still think that this kind of thing indicates that women *do* write letters to the editor. But one swallow does not a summer make, and so forth, so we'll see what happens over the course of the rest of the week...

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